Small Farm Institute Enrollment

SFI Enrollment

Contact Information

SFI Program

Type of Assistance Needed:
Type of Program Assistance Needed:
Type of Commodity Assistance:

Agricultural Farm Information

Type of Farming Operation:
Do You:
Is the Land Heir's Property Owned with Other Family Members?
Type of Land on Property:
Does Anyone Reside on the Land?
Are You Willing to Participate in our Research if Needed?

Land Use

Do you have a Management Plan for the Land?

Please Check All Goals for the Property

How is Income Generated?
Are There Family Members Currently Participating in Managing/Operating Property? If so, who:

Land Management Assistance

Have you attempted to obtain a farm number?
Are you Familiar with or have you Worked with the Following Organizations to Plan or Manage Your Land?


Veteran Status
By selecting this field, I agree that my submission of this document is as valid as if I signed the document in writing. This is to be used in conjunction with the use of electronic signatures on all forms regarding any and all future documentation with a signature requirement, should I elect to have signed electronically. By selecting this field, I agree that my submission of this document is as valid as if I signed the document in writing. This is to be used in conjunction with the use of electronic signatures on all forms regarding any and all future documentation with a signature requirement, should I elect to have signed electronically. *


The Small Farm Institute does not discriminate against against anyone regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil activity, in any program or activity. Persons who require communication in a language other than English, who requires alternative means of communication of program information (braille, audiotape, etc), or who has a disability should contactr Ms. Belinda Lewis at 936-261-3585 in advance.